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News & Updates

Below is my basic attempt to keep readers and friends up to date on myself and my future projects.

What's new...

20 February 2025:  Ugh -- more than a year has passed without my giving any news or updates. Pathetic! But that gives some idea of how busy I've been lately. Though formally retired from teaching, I continue to do small ad hoc university projects, both in the US and abroad. I'm traveling extensively, which consumes a lot of time in itself, and all the while working on my usual projects of book and article writing, book editing, and assisting in the business of bookselling as I can.

     So, what's new since the last update? Several titles were released in 2024: Henry Ford's "The International Jew" (2 volumes), a third Martin Friedrich book, "Hitlerism," an NS classic "A Plague On the World" (combining two small NS books by Ley and Otto), a Christian classic, "Homilies Against the Jews" by John Chrysostom, and an enhanced 2nd edition of Martin Luther's "On the Jews and Their Lies." I also wrote my own small book, "The Holocaust: 100 Questions and Answers," which covers all the basic issues of the conventional Holocaust story. And I assisted in creating a new imprint, "SSPress", which has published now 3 books: Rockwell's "White Power" and two major works by Gregory Delaney: "The Sumerian Swindle" and "The Monsters of Babylon" (2 vols.). That's a load of work for our small team! But all are to be congratulated; these are all important additions to our genre.

     And coming out soon will be Volume Three of our popular "Pan-Judah!" series of political cartoons; a second volume of my "Classic Essays on the Jewish Question": an updated edition of my book "The Jewish Hand in the World Wars"; and a follow-up to our NS youth book, "German Youth, Your Leader!".

    Also in the past year (plus), I put out 6 new articles: "The primacy of anti-Semitism", "Democracy is an ideal government for Jewish influence," "Old tablets and new," "Tucker Carlson's non-denial denialism of the Holocaust," "Trump praises Hitler," and "Blacks and Jews: Raus!"  All these are linked in the ARTICLES tab above.

     This will have to suffice for now. All in all, I am quite happy about the state of affairs these days, both with our little book business (sales are good!), nationally in the US, and internationally. In many ways, things are looking up. We have reason to be optimistic. But we need to keep up the fight. Each of us can do quite a bit to help spread awareness of the key issues, and to get the word out on the JQ. With the catastrophe in Gaza, more people than ever are open to our ideas. Press on!


14 August 2023:  Another busy summer coming to an end, but very productive.  I was able to edit and produce some fantastic new books in recent months: "The Riddle of the Jews' Success" by Fritsch,  "Protocols of the Elders of Zion: Definitive English Edition", "Hitler Avatara" by Martin Friedrich, and "Sin Against the Blood" by Artur Dinter.  (They are "fantastic," thanks not to me, but to the authors!)  As noted previously, these are available at our Clemens & Blair website, so I won't likely re-post them here. 

     Heading into the fall, I'll be busy again with teaching and other university work, so we may slow down a bit. But we have a number of new works in the pipeline, so please keep checking with the C&B site. 

     I've only been able to publish one new essay since my last update: "Jesus the Jew", which went live on TOO and later, and got a big response. But look for more such essays, as time permits. Lately my priority has been on new book titles, and each one takes a considerable amount time, as you may guess, and so this cuts into my essay output, unfortunately.

     Lastly, we continue to need help with advertising and marketing of our books.  Volunteers or good ideas are always welcome.


20 May 2023:  Spring is here, with much to look forward to.  I was away for much of the winter, and so progress was slow, but I'm back on track now.  We have several new titles in the works, which we will release over the next few months, including a new take on the "Protocols", two or three original works on National Socialism, and two or three "lost classics" reborn.  (I won't mention specifics here -- better to keep our adversaries guessing!)  So stay tuned, both here and at WWW.CLEMENSANDBLAIR.COM.


2 Feb 2023:  Wow, things have been busy!  Just spent some time updating this website, but it's a slow process.  So many new books out there.  We have been super-productive over the past year, releasing several new books, all with a very small team of editors, writers, and assistants.  I also published 6 articles in 2022 -- fewer than I'd like, but not bad, all things considered.  I also spent a lot of time traveling, which is very helpful for establishing new contacts, but it also makes it tough to put out new work.  But sales are growing and there is increasing interest in our books, so that's a great sign.  Most of my material is released through Clemens & Blair (, so check there for latest books.  And PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING!  We are up against some very powerful forces, and we need all the help we can get; the C&B site has a Donate button, if you are interested in supporting our work.





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©2018 by Thomas Dalton

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